About me

I am a swiss-knife programmer with curiosity about all fields of human development, particularly history and sociology.

I’ve completed my Bachelor studies in Computer Science and Engineering at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. I did research on cybercriminal markets and unsupervised optical flow prediction. I was in the Board of Team Polar, a team of 25 students, whose aim is to build an autonomous solar-powered vehicle that collects data for climate researchers in the extreme conditions of the Antarctic continent. During the time I was in the board, we constructed the first prototype of such a vehicle, an RC-controlled 350kg rover, and tested it in Trondheim, Norway.

Right now, I am a Master of Embedded Systems student at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, doing a research internship at Kungliga tekniska Högskolan in Stockholm, and focusing on improving the end-to-end latency in ROS2 applications via task-to-executor allocation schemes.